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InTeRview FoR a Fan

would you like to visit Romania? i'd like to see you...:D

Where is romania?...

Are You Smocking?[tell me the truth]


Hey, Miley, wouldn`t you like to come back on twitter?

No. I am sick of all those lame gossip sites.. so this is my answer.

Do you have classes?I mean...You`re filming all the time...What about the school?

I am homeschooled... I do 3 hours of school in the mornings, whether I'm on set, whether I'm on tour. It's just you get it done before you start your day...

Do you think Liam is ``that one``? You look lovely together and I really think you`re in love with him and he is too!That`s what`s important and really matters!

Yes I do think that Liam is the one! And I do think that Miley Hemsworth sounds pretty good. Hahahah =]

What are you most excited about right now?

I really can't wait for The Last Song & HM season 4 premiere!! Really excited & I do hope that you all are...

Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?

I'm not that kind of person who dates a lot of people. I love to be single sometimes... but I'll definitely choose to be in a committed relationship.

What do you think of the song "Achy Breaky Heart"?

Oh, my gosh! We listened to that song so much when we were younger, we don't even listen to it anymore.

Any thoughts on where you're going to be in five years? Do you worry about turning out like Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears?

That has definitely crossed my mind. I definitely don't want that to happen. But I really have a good family and good friends who are going to keep that from happening.

What do you watch on TV?

I'm not a big reality show person..

Do you ever wish you had a secret identify that you could use to hide from the pressures of celebrity?

Sometimes when I'm out with all my friends and things get so crazy, I can't go shopping with them anymore and I have to leave, I kind of wish I had a little bit of a secret identity. But I like meeting the fans.

Do you ever get nervous singing in front of thousands of people?

Really, now it's like second nature. I know my body is ready to perform at certain times. My mom was laughing the other day when I didn't have a show. At 5 o'clock, when I usually would be warming up, I was super-hyper. She's, like, "You're just so used to being ready to go at 5."

Did you ever ride a school bus?

I did, one time with my friends. But not for me, no.

Do you have a diary?

I kind of do. I write in it when I can. Instead of just writing about, you know, things that happened during my day, I usually write songs about it.

Do you ever worry that your friends like you only because you're famous? Kind of like the reason Miley Stewart hides that she's really Hannah Montana?

It's definitely easier to make friends now. That's the hard part. But I've had all my same friends from the beginning, so I know who was there before and who was there after. You can tell who real people are.

What's your favorite sport?

Cheerleading, running and biking :)

I would like to be a singer and an actress. What advice would you give me?

It's something you want to do when you think it's the only thing you would want to do for the rest of your life. You have to find certain things you're really good at. Start taking singing lessons, acting lessons, dance lessons. When you're younger, get training, so when you are a little bit older and you can start going on auditions, you do have one-up on everyone. You should definitely go for it, but take your time and train.

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?

No.. I love my current job :)

Do you plan on being a good role model for your young fans?

Yeah. That was the plan from the beginning. That's kind of the point of everything that I do. I always try to bring in just being a good role model and setting high standards for yourself.

do u have a email for fans?or a webcam?:D
I don't have any yahoo or msn or aim or idk.. I just have Ichat where I do video calls with my friends..

Where did you get the Hannah Montana wig?

It's (custom)-made. I have two with me on tour and two more back in L.A.

They're so, like, valuable, and you have to be super, super easy with them. So we have extra ones, just in case.

What do you have to say about your Hannah Montana double incident? A lot of people are talking about it at school, and I want to hear the full story from you.

We don't even do it anymore because we changed songs. But it wasn't for the reason everyone was saying — because I'm not singing, because I'm not this, because I'm not that. It was a total technical thing. When I'm shooting Hannah Montana, it takes me an hour and a half to go from Hannah to Miley. (Onstage), I have a minute, 50 seconds. There's no way; I need a good three to four minutes. So I did have to take a double to dance for that minute.

Comments • 1

RealEsmeeDenters 4 March 2010  
great interview
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